Designing an app for leaders going through unemployment

Ledernes Hovedorganisation, a professional organization and unemployment fund for leaders, asked us to provide clarity on the unemployment process for newly unemployed leaders through digital design.

The majority of the project was done with my team as part of the course ‘Concept development in collaboration with companies’ while studying Digital Design and Interactive Technologies at the IT University of Copenhagen.

Ensuring a holistic unemployment process

Through extensive market research and in-depth interviews with recently unemployed leaders, we learned that the level of information is high although the unemployment process and demands are not clearly communicated.

In addition, we found that the job search process is not holistic enough for specifically leaders. We therefore worked on ensuring personal, professional and social development for unemployed leaders.

We designed the app ‘Leder På Vej’ that

  • Provides overview of the unemployment process

  • Accounts for leaders being unique types of unemployed job seekers

Skills, network and courses are of paramount importance when finding a new job, especially for leaders


In the app, development of competences is emphasised, where the user’s competences are categorized for example based on personal characteristics.


A network function visualizes the user’s personal and professional contacts, which makes it possible to gather a network relevant to the specific job search.


The explore function provides the user with an opportunity to develop skills and network via courses, education and events.

Business results for Ledernes Hovedorganisation

It is 20x cheaper to have a member who is employed than unemployed, and provided with a greater overview and more opportunities to enhance one’s network and skills, members will be unemployed for a shorter period of time.

The posed communication solution including a chatbot and overview of material and FAQs can potentially save Ledernes Hovedorganisation up to 36.7 monthly employee hours.


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